From Our Blog
Do you Really love yourself?
I talk to a lot of people in person and online about energy flow and I have been seeing a lot of people lately, wondering when they will find love.
Why should we Reiki our food?
If we think about how religions pray over their meals or bless them, one can just think it is a tradition from times past when food was scarce, they are
Effects of Stress on Health
We all get stressed at some point, but not everyone understands the effects it has on our health. So, what is stress? Stress is when the body is in a
Do you know your Totem Animal?
For some people, they seem to have 1 totem animal that is with them always, and for others they may just have totems that are relevant to what they are
Do you know how to Ground yourself?
I know i keep harping on about grounding and getting out in nature, because from an energy perspective, I believe it is important. But then I realized that some people